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  • Writer's pictureJenny Jo

Day In The Life

Updated: Jun 12, 2020


Hello Friends!

Holy moly, TGIF- am I right?! I'm not even currently employed and I'm still Friday's biggest cheerleader. This week has been a doozy but I made some major strives with wedding planning (even though it's still a whole year away), this is where my virgo/type-A personality really comes out and takes charge, but I don't hate her. In fact, Type-A Jenny has some major strong suits and I appreciate her go-getter spirit.

Anyways, today I'm going to be sharing a fan favorite 'A Day In The Life', so yesterday I made it a point to be extra diligent to snag as many photos for your viewing pleasure. Let's get started!

My morning typically starts at 8AM, these days... it's actually when Andrew's alarm starts blaring The Chainsmokers, Takeaway in my ear. But I can't complain it's a great bop although I do feel like I'm at a Vegas hotel pool party when it plays. Give it a listen if you haven't heard it yet.

Andrew and I have cultivated a nice little morning routine since being quarantined it usually goes:

Andrew gets up feeds himself and Vincenzo pup and then he'll take Vin out on his morning walk.

Meanwhile, I get to have my little morning escape and I'll run out to grab us coffee. It's kind of freeing having that maybe 30 minute solo drive, away from my attention hungry pup and fiance so I'd say its a win for me.

9/10 times I'm waking up to blue skies and sunshine and I mean c'mon this view leaving my place, does it get any better?

During this "me" time, I throw on some Lana Del Rey (depending on my mood but usually Lana) and cruise under the sun with the windows down. You know how some people listen to like Mozart to get some inspiration, well Lana is my go-to for soothing my soul. And she sings about soft ice cream so, I mean I can totally relate, Lana.

God, I LOVE COLORADO, its a wrap! You're gorgeous.

Okay so coffee driven Jenny is fully alive and a functioning human by about 9-930AM give or take.

If I could bend like that emoji character, then that would be a LITERAL depiction of me with coffee in hand each morning. By 10AM I have my yoga mat laid out and I'm ready to do some sun salutations yoga mixed with a full body stretch. Usually I allocate about 45 minutes, and Vin pup loves yoga too.

After yoga, I get to reunite with my coffee and I begin my favorite time of day- journaling. So by 11AM, I have my journals out and ready- which I'll elaborate a little bit more on.

So my white journal is where I write my goals down EVERY SINGLE DAY. Y'all this is a habit I highly suggest getting into. I'm a very goal oriented person and as a double whammy it just helps me manifest the heck out of the things I want/need in my future. I'll write short term goals, long term goals, minor ones that I know I'll maybe accomplish in a week and goals I may not accomplish until I'm 50. Whatever I have in my mind, I write it down every single day. And then immediately after I'll write a quick little entry on what I'm feeling, things that are going on, what I'm grateful for, just personal things that I wouldn't typically share on my blog, Cup Of Jo.

My second journal, my pink one is dedicated to learning. I listen to a lot of business, wellness, and self help podcast that really resonate and inspire me. I write down a tremendous amount of notes on things I want to remember and reuse later down the road. A lot are specific vocabulary words because one of my goals is to heighten my vocabulary so that I can use them when I articulate my messages especially while I'm blogging. Yesterday I was listening to The Token CEO, by Erika Nardini the CEO of Barstool Sports. She is INCREDIBLE. I really admire her, more than ever since listening to her podcast and I really love that she does quick 10-20 minute episodes. It makes it super easy to squeeze it into your day.

Since I have the time right now, I've been listening to like 5-7 of them. I usually give myself an hour to focus on self improvement.

So on this day I wrapped up around 12:30PM, I then got ready for the day and headed out for a little spontaneous adventure to Breckenridge.

Breckenridge is where Andrew and I will be hosting our wedding and without saying too much, we're planning a very non traditional unorthodox kind of wedding. As part of our endeavor, we've been looking at luxury AirBnb's to host the reception at. We came across one that we have our hearts set on, BUTTT do you know how hard it is to plan a reception with decorations, let alone ALLLL the logistics that go into a reception without actually seeing the place?! Yeah, its tough! So when we found this mountain mansion online, for obvious reasons it did not list the exact address. The ONLY thing we knew was that the house number is 61 and we knew the name of which they "called" the home which is Shock Hill. And if you know Shock Hill, it's just an area full of residential homes off of the gondola its not an actual street. Below is a photo of part of "Shock Hill"

Lo and behold after crazy, extensive, hardcore lurking I found something that MIGHT be the address to the home. I'm telling you, if you want some PI done (for y'all none detectives; private investigation), leave it to a girl, we get shit DONE! So thats where I headed off to, I left to go find the house, IF it was the right address.


It WAS the house! ~Hallelujah~ I'm telling you QUEEN LURKER, right here. Will take venmo payments if you want someone or something found! Kidding, but seriously.

I can't believe I found the darn house!!! Just look at this beauty-

You bet your ass I walked all over the exterior premise to make sure it would be suitable to host a small reception at. All I can say is, I'm VERY pleased and that was a success. Another win for Jenny in the books!

Before heading home, I took a stop at the ceremony spot which I will not be sharing just yet. Just know it's a an outdoor overlook that looks out to a beautiful lake (again, not disclosing the name) and gorgeous snowcapped mountains. In fact, its the spot that Andrew and I first visited and simultaneously fell in love with Colorado. At that point we knew we had to move here. So it just makes it that much better that it's a meaningful spot to the both of us. Mind you, he did also propose to me here too. What a thoughtful gent. I did however make another pit stop at the bottom of the lake because it was gorgeous out and my little toes needed a dip in the water.

I also threw on lashes, so I KNEW it was going to be a good day. It's like my glue on lashes possess some crazy power (I really believe in that, lol) because it always ends up being a successful day.

I also just drove through some more beautiful mountain homes as I headed back because why not. And I'm obviously going to park in some random driveway to get an instaworthy shot. Do it for the blog, right?

I got back home a little bit before Andrew finished up working. It was still gorgeous out so I spent some time on the balcony with Vincenzo and music in my ears. Kudos to fiance for always capturing great shots for me. ~Go fiance go~

Andrew finishes up work around 6PM to which I start dinner. I was actually exhausted since it's been a day (a great day at that though). So I popped some lobster tails, shrimp, and corn into the air fryer and made us a little seafood boil dinner. Ladies and gents, the BEST kitchen appliance hands down- AIR FRYER. Get one. I got the instapot brand off of amazon suggested to me by my bestie, S/O bestie! Really, its super easy and it cuts down the cook time in half- AMAZING if you ask me.

I will admit that I failed to take any more photos after dinner because I was beat. Usually I sign off on all devices when Andrew is off work too so that we can spend some quality time together, being that, thats our love language.

BUT usually late night, I'll try to write up a blog post and set it to post the following morning. I have been slacking a bit so my apologies, but I will get back to it!

Thanks for coming by and joining me on my 'Day In The Life' post. How was your day, what is one special thing that you did today?

Until next time :)

xo, JJ

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